Jellyverse & Dmany Partnership - Dmany
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Jellyverse and Dmany Partnership

Jellyverse & Dmany Partnership

The AMA session served as an excellent opportunity to unveil this exciting collaboration, setting the stage for what promises to be a game-changing partnership in the world of web3 projects and community engagement.

In an exciting announcement made during a recent twitter space, the Jellyverse community, that seeks to revolutionize the DeFi space by providing a comprehensive ecosystem for decentralized applications, revealed its strategic partnership with Dmany – a community building & decentralized engagement platform. This partnership is set to bring a host of intriguing updates and opportunities for both platforms’ communities and enthusiasts.

What’s in Store?

A foundation of this alliance is Jellyverse’s commitment to leveraging Dmany for enhanced community management and engagement. This approach ensures that everyone has the chance to contribute based on their unique skills and receive equitable rewards for their efforts. It introduces a unique blend of quests and incentives that will undoubtedly pique the interest of both existing and new participants.

The first quests from Jellyverse are now live for beta testers. These exclusive quests are available only to closed beta participants who are deeply passionate about the project and wish to contribute. Rewards will be based on individual contributions. If you’re interested in becoming a beta tester, connect with the Jellyverse community on Telegram at []..

Dmany’s Beta: Support and Feedback 

It’s worth noting that the current app is in its Beta phase and will undergo improvements over time. If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions for features or improvements, there’s a detailed article explaining how to report findings or bugs on the Dmany App

For those who might need support or have questions, there’s a dedicated Telegram group available to assist.

Three Pillars of the Partnership:

  1. Quality and Quantity Matter
    Emphasis is placed on both the quality and the volume of community contributions. Active, informed, and passionate participants are poised to excel in this community-centric ecosystem.
  2. Early Mover Advantage
    Early birds stand to gain significantly from this partnership. Being a pioneer in this collaboration offers a unique vantage point and the potential for substantial rewards.
  3. Community-Centric Approach
    The partnership emphasizes the essential role of the community: Jellyverse and Dmany recognize that a project’s success depends on its community and how closely it collaborates with the project. This collaboration fosters a sense of unity, emphasizing collective efforts, knowledge sharing, and meaningful contributions.


The synergy between Jellyverse and Dmany marks a transformative phase in how web3 initiatives leverage community engagement. With a focus on quality, informed contributions, and a collaborative spirit, participants are set to enrich their experience, while adding value to the project. This alliance paves the way for novel developments in the Jellyverse ecosystem. Early adopters are uniquely positioned to lead this transformative wave. Only time will show clearer than ever, how community-driven initiatives will shape the trends and the future of web3 growth. 

Stay tuned for more updates, and get ready to embark on a journey where your passion, knowledge, and contributions truly make a difference in the Jellyverse community.

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