Q Blockchain Testimonial - Dmany
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By adding the Q Protocol into the Dmany community platform , I can confidently say that it has been an incredibly positive experience. Dmany has seamlessly integrated our campaign, providing a space where community members can engage, contribute, and be rewarded for their efforts in a meaningful way.

One of the standout features of Dmany is its emphasis on community buildup. Through various interactive tools and discussions, Dmany fosters a sense of belonging and collaboration among its members. It’s truly inspiring to see individuals come together, share ideas, and work towards common goals within the platform.

Moreover, Dmany’s approach to rewarding high-quality contributions is commendable. By incentivizing quality content and meaningful interactions, they not only encourage active participation but also ensure that the community thrives on valuable insights and discussions.

Overall, I’m thoroughly impressed with Dmany’s commitment to fostering a vibrant and engaging community. The integration of our Q Blockchain campaign has been seamless, and I look forward to continued collaboration and growth within the platform.

Kudos to the Dmany team for creating such a positive and rewarding environment for its users!

Florian Drewes
(Global Validator & Infrastructure Lead)


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"Working with the Dmany community platform was an overall positive experience. Integration was super easy, and the team guided us through the process" ...

Sascha Roehrer
Managing Partner of Conf3rence


"Dmany is a great platform. We're very happy with the progress and results we're seeing for building the Elowyn: Quest of Time game community at EARTHwise" ...

Anneloes Smitsman
(Founder & CEO, EARTHwise Centre)


"I've had the pleasure of exploring numerous community engagement platforms, and it's clear Dmany stands out from the rest. Its usability is unmatched" ...

Benjamin Rauch
(Co-Initiator Jellyverse)

Kim Dinse

"Dmany has helped us increase the reach of our channels in a very short time. Through the platform, we have received both UGC and qualitative" ...

Kim Dinse


"This creates a win-win situation, as it not only increases awareness of Radix and Ociswap among more people but also promotes high-quality engagement" ...

Lukas Steffen
(Co-Founder at Ociswap)


"Dmany has created a wonderful way to engage and reward our Orion deCEX trading community through their Quests platform. The team" ...



"Working with Dmany immediately boosted both on-chain and social metrics for Radix and dApps in the ecosystem by 20-60% in under a week" ...

Adam Simmons


"SingularityDAO’s vision is to catalyze the growth of innovative projects in the DeFi and Web3 spaces. Partnering with Dmany presents an" ...

Mario Casiraghi
(CFO of SingularityDAO)
