Web3 engagement marketing platform for freelancers
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Great Freelancers
deserve Great Projects

Join Dmany and use your talents to get rewards

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Where innovative companies connect with talented freelancers

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Use your skills to do quests that will make you get crypto-rewards

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How do I get

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Select a
project and
choose a quest

What are these quests about?

  • Copiwritting
  • Designing
  • Testing
  • Social Media
  • Promote
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Once quest is
submitted, It's checked
and validated
by the team

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You got your

coin rain

Active Quests

Let's chat on Telegram!

  • Onboarding
  • Engagement
  • Writing
Get rewarded up to:
  • token 50 XP

First Twitter/X Quest

  • Writting
  • Engagement
  • Onboarding
Get rewarded up to:
  • token 30 XP

Partnership MEME Quest

  • Memes
  • Engagement
Get rewarded up to:
  • token 3 USDT
  • token 50 XP

Dmany SUPER HERO - Volunteer Contribution

  • Business
Get rewarded up to:
  • token 100 XP

Youtube - BOOST

  • Onboarding
Get rewarded up to:
  • token 25 XP

Influencer's - Video Quest

  • Video
Get rewarded up to:
  • token 100 USDT
  • token 150 XP
See more quests
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